About the Programme

The Public Sector Infrastructure Delivery Management Programme (PIDM) focuses on the training of public sector construction, facilities & infrastructure managers to provide insight into and enhance the effective use of the Infrastructure Delivery Management System (IDMS) towards standardized work methods and improved workflow. The programme specifically aims to provide you with a comprehensive introduction and overview to infrastructure planning and budget alignment with infrastructure delivery, covering the IDMS, best-practice methodologies, processes, procedures, and guidelines available. In addition, the training is designed to assist officials to understand and comply with the legislation governing management of infrastructure assets.

UCT Collaboration

This Programme has been approved as a University of Cape Town short course according to university policy. The participants who attend the course will receive a University of Cape Town certificate.



Dr Abimbola Windapo

Programme Convenor
Professor & Editor, Journal of Construction Business and Management at the Department of Construction Economics and Management | University of Cape Town

Mr Fabio Companie

Training Facilitator
Ph.D.student at University of Cape Town Project Manager at City of Cape Town | University of Cape Town

Dr. Lindelani Matshidze


Benefits of Attending

Improve uniform management of infrastructure assets

Assist managers to be able to update the IDMS information

Help managers to conduct asset condition assessment

Assist the entity with long-term asset planning

Assist the entity to do Infrastructure Asset Management

Assist the entity with their Infrastructure Programme and Project Management

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the workshop and skills development program, the officials will be able to:

  • Manage the Department’s Project Portfolio;
  • Conduct Project Performance and Risk Management;
  • Conduct utilisation assessments for Operations and Maintenance;
  • Complete the gaps in the Project, Programme, and Procurement.

Conference starts in

20 - 21 July 2023, Durban


Our Event Schedule

2-Day Pass • Ex VAT

Cost per person

R 9,990  
  • Accredited by ECSA with 3 CPD points
  • SAIAT for SACAP professionals 1 CPD POINT

NB: Price is in South African Rand. Price displayed exclude VAT.


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